How to Write a Press Release: A Guide for Opticial Practices

A well-crafted press release can significantly boost the visibility of your business and  services, attract new clients, and establish your brand as a trusted name in the community. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you write an effective press release.

 1. Understand the Purpose of Your Press Release

Before you start writing, clearly define the purpose of your press release.

Common reasons for opticians to issue press releases include:

– Announcing new services or products.
– Launching a new location.
– Hosting a community event or eye health awareness campaign.
– Celebrating a significant milestone or achievement.
– Introducing new technology or equipment.

2. Follow the Standard Press Release Format

A press release typically includes the following sections:

Keep it concise: Aim for 8-12 words.
Make it compelling: Use action verbs and highlight the newsworthy aspect.

Example:Your Practice Name Unveils Advanced Digital Eye Exam Technology”

 Subheadline (Optional)
– Provide additional detail to support the headline.

Example: “Revolutionary equipment promises faster, more accurate diagnoses for patients.”

– Include the city and date at the beginning of the first paragraph.

Example: “Basingstoke, Hampshire – 3 July , 2024 ”

– Answer the who, what, when, where, and why in the first 1-2 sentences.

Example:Your Practice Name, a leading optician service provider, is excited to announce the introduction of the latest digital eye exam technology at their Basingstoke branch, available starting 10 July.”

– Expand on the introduction with more details.
– Include quotes from key stakeholders like the owner, optometrists, or satisfied clients.
– Provide background information about your business, such as how long you have been established for.
– Maintain a logical flow and break up content into short paragraphs.

“The new digital eye exam technology offers unparalleled accuracy in detecting eye conditions, ensuring early and effective treatment. ‘We are committed to providing our patients with the best care possible,’ said Dr. Jane Smith, lead optometrist at Your Practice Name. ‘This new technology is a game-changer for our practice and our patients.'”

– A brief paragraph about your optician business, including its history, mission, and services offered.

“About Your Practice Name: Established in 2005, Your Practice Name has been dedicated to offering comprehensive eye care services in Basingstoke. Our team of experienced optometrists and state-of-the-art facilities ensure the highest quality care for our patients.”

Contact Information
– Provide details for media inquiries, including name, phone number, and email address.

For more information, please contact:

Your Name
Your Title, Your Practice Name
Your Phone Number
Your Email

3. Writing Tips

– Be concise and clear: Avoid jargon and overly technical language – you want your whole community to understand your statements.
– Use quotes effectively: They add a human element and can make your press release more engaging. Quotes from yourself are really engaging.
– Focus on the newsworthy aspect: Highlight why your announcement is important.
– Proofread: Ensure there are no grammatical errors or typos.

4. Distributing Your Press Release

– Identify relevant media outlets: Local newspapers, health and wellness magazines, and industry-specific websites are a great start. You could even contact local bloggers and influencers.
– Share on your website and social media: Maximise reach by posting the press release on your website and sharing it across your social media channels. Add your press release to your blog.

5. Picture Perfect

Some newspapers will send a photographer to your event if you are hosting one, but some won’t have time. It’s best to attach a series of high resolution photos to accompany your posts.

6. Mention Your Awards

If you are award-winning practice, mention it, even if it’s not related to the press release. It reminds people that you are recognised for your hard work. Why not apply for our SightCare Awards?

7. More Tips

Tailor your angle: Ensure each press release has a unique and newsworthy angle that will appeal to your target audience.
Incorporate multimedia: Include high-quality images or videos, especially for product launches or events.
Use statistics and data: Enhance credibility by incorporating relevant statistics or data, particularly for health initiatives or technology upgrades.
Highlight benefits: Clearly outline the benefits of the news or announcement for your clients and the community.
Include a call-to-action: Encourage readers to take action, such as attending an event, scheduling an appointment, or visiting your website.
Ready-to-Publish: Write your press release in a way that requires minimal editing, making it easier for journalists to use your content.
Provide Resources: Offer additional resources such as high-resolution images, video clips, and links to more information.
Reach Out: After sending your press release, follow up with key media contacts to ensure they received it and see if they need any additional information.
Build Relationships: Develop and maintain relationships with journalists and media outlets to increase the likelihood of your press releases being published.
Keywords: Include relevant keywords that potential clients or media outlets might use when searching for information related to your announcement.
Avoid Hyperbole: Stick to factual statements and avoid exaggerations that can undermine your credibility.
Edit Ruthlessly: Eliminate unnecessary words and ensure every sentence adds value to the press release.

8. Sample Press Release


**Your Practice Name Unveils Advanced Digital Eye Exam Technology**

**Revolutionary equipment promises faster, more accurate diagnoses for patients**

**BASINGSTOKE, HAMPSHIRE – July 3, 2024** – Your Practice Name, a leading optician service provider, is excited to announce the introduction of the latest digital eye exam technology at their Basingstoke office, available starting 10 July.

The new digital eye exam technology offers unparalleled accuracy in detecting eye conditions, ensuring early and effective treatment. “We are committed to providing our patients with the best care possible,” said Your Name, lead optometrist at Your Practice Name. “This new technology is a game-changer for our practice and our patients.”

In addition to improving diagnostic accuracy, the new technology also streamlines the exam process, making visits quicker and more comfortable for patients.

**About Your Practice Name*: Established in 2005, Your Practice Name has been dedicated to offering comprehensive eye care services in Basingstoke. Our team of experienced optometrists and state-of-the-art facilities ensure the highest quality care for our patients.

For more information, please contact:
Your Name
Your Position, Your Practice Name

By following these steps and tips, you can create a compelling and effective press release that will help increase the visibility of your optician services and attract more clients. And remember – we love to share your news stories on our social media channels, so do tag us in them!

How to write a press release

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